Comprehensive accounting and legal turnkey services for companies

Comprehensive accounting and legal services are a service covering the entire range of economic and financial operations when an outsourcing company assumes guaranteed insured liability for keeping and servicing all company affairs directly or indirectly related to accounting, office work or legal matters in the company.
More than just an accountant
About us
Professional support of your business
Office work
  • Order execution
  • Contract preparation
  • Bonus payment, business trip, sick leave, dismissal, official position registration
  • Leave schedule arrangement
  • Internal code of conduct preparation
Consulting services
  • Bookkeeping consulting
  • Accounting services consulting
  • Accounting audit consulting
  • Tax accounting consulting
  • Complex case consulting
Legal services
  • Corporate and contractual practices
  • Legal entity, trademark registration
  • Litigation
  • Tender support
  • Accounts receivable
  • Information protection and storage services
Accounting services
  • Bookkeeping “IK” (Individual merchant), “SIA” (Limited liability company), “AS” (Joint-stock company)
  • Accounting statement submission
  • Advice on the choice of taxation and accounting
  • Accounting policy development
  • Financial accounting reconstruction
  • Tax audit support
Keysment supports you at all stages of cooperation respecting the confidentiality of information
You can count on reliable and qualified assistance that will allow you to avoid or at least reduce penalties, as well as lower management costs.
Advantages of working with us
Comprehensive accounting and legal services for companies offer a number of advantages
  • Cost savings
    No costs for the arrangement of workplaces and salaries
  • Time-saving
    No need to spend time and resources on training and supervision of a full-time specialist
  • Optimisation
    No need to hire new employees in the case of business expansion and increased load
  • Insurance
    Liability insurance excludes the risk of losses and fine costs
  • Competence
    High level of competence of the outsourcing company
  • Confidentiality
    Complete confidentiality, including after the termination of cooperation
  • Cost savings
    No costs for the arrangement of workplaces and salaries
  • Time-saving
    No need to spend time and resources on training and supervision of a full-time specialist
  • Optimisation
    No need to hire new employees in the case of business expansion and increased load
  • Insurance
    Liability insurance excludes the risk of losses and fine costs
  • Competence
    High level of competence of the outsourcing company
  • Confidentiality
    Complete confidentiality, including after the termination of cooperation
Contact us



Reģ.nr.: 40103962435

Jur.adrese: "Zītari 4" – 10, Tumšupe, Ropažu pag.,

Ropažu nov., LV-2135

Faktiska adrese: Lāčplēša iela 14-13, Rīga, LV-1011



Reģ.nr.: 40103962435

Jur.adrese: "Zītari 4" – 10, Tumšupe, Ropažu pag.,

Ropažu nov., LV-2135

Faktiska adrese: Lāčplēša iela 14-13, Rīga, LV-1011

"Keysment" SIA ir noslēdzis datums līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2023/151 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.

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